Hindi numerals are written in both Arabic (1,2,3...) and in Devanagari (१, २, ३...) scripts. Both are understood by the people who can read and write (there are many who don't) so it's always good to memorize the numbers as this could help you while street shopping and getting around (street and sector names).
I would recommend learning each and every Hindi numeral as they are not as straightforward as "twenty" plus "two" = twenty two.
Some people use the "number 9" formula. Just try and observe number 9 in every tenth part of this 0-100 chart and note its ending, it will give you a hint about the pronunciation of the whole 10 preceding numbers (for example 29 is "untees", 31,32...will be pronounced as "batees" and "taintees". In short, all you have to do is to remember all numbers "9" and you've learnt how to count till 100 in Hindi.)
For me, personally, this didn't work and it was easier for me to remember the numerals while observing their endings. If it ends with "-tees", it's going to be 30-40 group, "-lees" is going to be "40-50" group and so on...
You might just as well discover your own formula!
In Devanagari | Roman transliteration | Devanagari numerals | Arabic numerals |
शून्य | shoonya | ० | 0 |
एक | ek | १ | 1 |
दो | do | २ | 2 |
तीन | teen | ३ | 3 |
चार | chaar | ४ | 4 |
पांच | paanch | ५ | 5 |
छह | chah | ६ | 6 |
सात | saat | ७ | 7 |
आठ | aaTh | ८ | 8 |
नौ | nau | ९ | 9 |
दस | das | १० | 10 |
ग्यारह | gyaarah | ११ | 11 |
बारह | baarah | १२ | 12 |
तेरह | teraah | १३ | 13 |
चौदह | chaudah | १४ | 14 |
पंद्रह | pandrah | १५ | 15 |
सोलह | solah | १६ | 16 |
सत्रह | satrah | १७ | 17 |
अठारह | aThaarah | १८ | 18 |
उन्नीस | unnees | १९ | 19 |
बीस | bees | २० | 20 |
इककीस | ikkees | २१ | 21 |
बाइस | baaees | २२ | 22 |
तेईस | teiis | २३ | 23 |
चौबीस | chaubees | २४ | 24 |
पच्चीस | pacchees | २५ | 25 |
छब्बीस | chabbees | २६ | 26 |
सताईस | sataaees | २७ | 27 |
अठआईस | aThaaees | २८ | 28 |
उन्न्तीस | unntees | २९ | 29 |
तीस | tees | ३० | 30 |
इकत्तीस | ikattees | ३१ | 31 |
बतीस | batees | ३२ | 32 |
तैतीस | taitees | ३३ | 33 |
चौत्तीस | chauttees | ३४ | 34 |
पैंत्तीस | painttees | ३५ | 35 |
छतीस | chhatees | ३६ | 36 |
सैंतीस | saintees | ३७ | 37 |
अठतीस | aThatees | ३८ | 38 |
उन्तालीस | untaalees | ३९ | 39 |
चालीस | chaalees | ४० | 40 |
इकतालीस | iktaalees | ४१ | 41 |
बियालीस | biyaalees | ४२ | 42 |
तिरतालीस | tirtaalees | ४३ | 43 |
चौतालीस | chautaalees | ४४ | 44 |
पैन्त्तालीस | paintaalees | ४५ | 45 |
छयालीस | chhayaalees | ४६ | 46 |
सैन्तालीस | saintaalees | ४७ | 47 |
अठतालीस | aThataalees | ४८ | 48 |
उन्चास | unchaas | ४९ | 49 |
पचास | pachaas | ५० | 50 |
इक्यावन | ikyaavan | ५१ | 51 |
ब्यावन | byaavan | ५२ | 52 |
त्रिपेहन | tripehan | ५३ | 53 |
चौवन | chauvan | ५४ | 54 |
पचपन | pachpan | ५५ | 55 |
छपन | chhapan | ५६ | 56 |
सतावन | sataavan | ५७ | 57 |
अठावन | aThaavan | ५८ | 58 |
उनसठ | unsaTh | ५९ | 59 |
साठ | saaTh | ६० | 60 |
इकसठ | iksaTh | ६१ | 61 |
बासठ | baasaTh | ६२ | 62 |
त्रिहेसठ | trisaTh | ६३ | 63 |
चौसठ | chausaTh | ६४ | 64 |
पैसठ | paisaTh | ६५ | 65 |
छिआसठ | chhiaasaTh | ६६ | 66 |
सतासठ | sataasaTh | ६७ | 67 |
अठासठ | aThaasaTh | ६८ | 68 |
अनसठ | unsaTh | ६९ | 69 |
सत्तर | sattar | ७० | 70 |
इकत्तर | ikattar | ७१ | 71 |
बहत्तर | bahattar | ७२ | 72 |
त्रिहत्तर | trittar | ७३ | 73 |
चैहत्तर | chaihattar | ७४ | 74 |
पचहत्तर | pachahattar | ७५ | 75 |
छियातर | chhiyaatar | ७६ | 76 |
सततर | satatar | ७७ | 77 |
अठतर | aThatar | ७८ | 78 |
उन्यासी | unyaasee | ७९ | 79 |
अस्सी | assee | ८० | 80 |
इक्यासी | ikyaasee | ८१ | 81 |
बियासी | biyaasee | ८२ | 82 |
त्रियासी | triyaasee | ८३ | 83 |
चौरासी | chauraasee | ८४ | 84 |
पचासी | pachaasee | ८५ | 85 |
छियासी | chhiyaasee | ८६ | 86 |
सतासी | sataasee | ८७ | 87 |
अठासी | aThaasee | ८८ | 88 |
उन्नानवे | unnaanve | ८९ | 89 |
नब्बे | nabbe | ९० | 90 |
इक्यानवे | ikyaanve | ९१ | 91 |
ब्यानवे | byaanve | ९२ | 92 |
त्रियानवे | triyaanve | ९३ | 93 |
चौरानवे | chauraanve | ९४ | 94 |
पचानवे | pachaanve | ९५ | 95 |
छियानवे | chhiyaanve | ९६ | 96 |
सतानवे | sataanve | ९७ | 97 |
अठानवे | aThaanve | ९८ | 98 |
नियानवे | niyaanve | ९९ | 99 |
सौ | sau | १०० | 100 |
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