The Imperfective Present Tense (Simple Present)
The imperfective present tense is used to express regular events and habits, such as: “I like India”, “I study Hindi”, “We live on the second floor”, “I don’t eat meat”, “I dislike traffic jams”.
The following is a conjugation chart for imperfective present tense:
मैं जाता हूँ
main jaataa hoon
I go.
मैं जाती हूँ
main jaatee hoon
I go.
आप जाते हैं
aap jaate hain
You go (polite)
आप जाती हैं
aap jaatee hain
You go (polite)
तुम जाते हो
tum jaate ho
You go (friendly)
तुम जाती हो
tum jaatee ho
You go (friendly)
तू जाता है
too jaataa hai
You go (very informal)
तू जाती है
too jaatee hai
You go (very informal)
यह/वह जाता है
yah/vah jaataa hai
He goes.
यह/वह जाती है
yah/vah jaatee hai
She goes
हम जाते हैं
ham jaate hain
We go.
हम जाती हैं
ham jaatee hain
We go.
आप जाते हैं
aap jaate hain
You go (polite)
आप जाती हैं
aap jaatee hain
You go (polite)
तुम जाते हो
tum jaate ho
You go (friendly)
तुम जाती हो
tum jaatee ho
You go (friendly)
ये/वे जाते हैं
ye/ve jaate hain
They go.
ये/वे जाती हैं
ye/ve jaatee hain
They go.
मैं घर नहीं जाता।
main ghar naheen jaataa
I don't go home (m).
में घर नहीं जाती।
main ghar nahee jaatee
I don't go home (f).
वह कभी नहीं बोलता।
vah kabhee naheen boltaa
He never speaks.
वह कभी नहीं बोलती।
vah kabhee naheen boltee
She never speaks.
यह घर नहीं है।
yah ghar naheen hai
It is not this house.
वे लोग नहीं हैं।
ve log naheen hain
They are not those people.
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A strange green stone on the way to the Himalayas (photo: Aditya) |
after TUM the pronunciation should be HO (as written,and not hain )
Thanks, Marco, for correction!
please, could you explain when we should use auxiliary verb (to be) at the end of a sentence and when we shouldn't?
For example, I don't really understand why we use it in the first sentence and we don't use it in the second:
1) मैं जाती हूँ
2) में घर नहीं जाती
Thank you!
यह घर नहीं है।-----This is not house
yah ghar naheen hai
It is not this house. --yah vah ghar nahi hai
वे लोग नहीं हैं।---They are not people.
ve log naheen hain
They are not those people.-Ve vo log nahin hain
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